
Manifestation Techniques to Attract What You Want

The law of attraction is a powerful manifestation tool that can help you attract what you want into your life. However, it's important to know how to use it effectively in order to get the results you want.

There are a variety of manifestation techniques that you can use to attract what you want into your life. Some of these techniques includ…

Is the Law of Attraction Real?

I'm going to share with you the great dilemma of the law of attraction. You attract what you believe. If you decide to believe that the law of attraction is not real, then per the law of attraction you will bring into your life proof of that belief. The law is still working, but you will not be able to see it or experience it that way.

So is the law of attraction real? Absolutely. But words from others can only take you so far. You must practice it, work with it, and then you will truly be able to see for yourself. And that is the best part about the law of attraction - when you experience it for yourself. Because that's when you realize anything is possible, and that is when life starts getting really fu…

9 Affirmations to Manifest Money & Abundance

When it comes to manifesting money, the law of attraction is key. And one of the best ways to harness that power is through affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that help to reprogram your subconscious mind. By repeating them regularly, you can train your brain to think more positively about money - and attract more abundance into your life.

Stinging Nettle Plant Medicine

"I didn't originate on Earth actually," the stinging nettle said. "I came from this universe, and watched the Earth from afar on an asteroid. The longer I looked down, the more I wanted to be a part of all that was happening. I am a god, after all. I can do anything I please. And of course I want to be a part of all creation."

"And so not knowing where I would thrive and where I wouldn't, I fell from the asteroid and made sure to scatter myself all around the world…

Are light codes real?

Many people new to spirituality, new age, and light codes wonder if light codes are real, or if this is all gobbledy-gook. I'll cut to the chase and give you the answer - yes, light codes are real. While it may seem like a stretch to some, you'll soon see how this makes sense.

Is Chakra Healing Dangerous?

If you went to an eye doctor to talk about your diabetes, you might walk out with a prescription for eyeglasses or contacts, instead of one for insulin. Now this treatment might be helpful for your symptoms, but as for diabetes specifically... not so much.

Similar care must be taken when selecting your chakra healer. You see, chakra healing is powerful, but also serious business. While any practitioner can provide healing services, those services could be effective, they could have no effect, or they could even cause more imbalances and have detrimental consequences. This is why it is important that you work with a…

Your Morning Coffee Manifestation Message

In the manifestation and spiritual community, we're often taught to focus on the positives. Often at the expense of the negatives.

But you see, in doing that, you're leaving out half of the equation, half of where you are on your journey right now.

That puts us at odds with ourselves and we end up not getting very far, and then we scratch our heads and wonder why.

When we acknowledge our short givings... now that's when the magick starts happening!

That's when the solutions, the inspired action, the self love, and the manifestations show up.

Just like with my coffee art. I create a post about my terrible coffee art and then soon after I create my first real shape. For my DH, of course <3

Of course, you can tell it's not the real way. But it is my way

Be you, focus on loving all that you are, trust your own process, and the rest will take care of itself.

I'm available for personal readings