3 Month, 1-1 Mentorship Program 

Do something for yourself. See the possibilities invisible to you before.

How wonderful would it feel to be able to tell your family you can do what you put your mind to, and then actually do it with more enthusiasm, confidence and consistency than you’ve ever had before?

Trishna Sharma TXS Solutions Sellence Business Coach

How amazing would it be when you can proudly share your success with your loved ones?

Right now something is holding you back from making your business dreams a reality.

You have access to all the information you need to be successful, to start your business, to get your clients, to live your dreams. With all the free content available, what you need to know is only a Google search away. You know what to do, but you still haven’t done it.

So I ask you, what’s standing in your way? Is it that:

  • There’s too much to do and too little time

  • You’ve hit a plateau and don’t know where to go from here

  • You’re in a lull and need a kick start

  • Your next steps are drudging up all sorts of internal fears

  • You’re struggling to make a choice

  • You don’t think you have the right idea

  • You have a serious case of the impostor syndrome

  • You can’t stick to your plan

If you said to yes to any of the above, you’re not broken, you do have what it takes and no, you aren’t destined for a life of mediocrity. If you said yes to any of the above, you’ve come to the right place.

I take your paradigms and turn them on their head so you can see the solutions invisible to you before.

I’ll help you find:

  • The solutions you can’t see

  • The ideas you thought were missing

  • The possibilities you didn’t think were in your reach

  • The aha breakthroughs you need

  • The self-confidence you didn’t think you could have  

And the best part? All of this is already within you. We just have to dig deep to find them.

If you’re meeting me for the first time, hi! I’m Trishna. I’m an Intuitive Strategy & Business Coach. I love looking at business problems, finding the leverage points, and maximizing them for greater, faster, tangible success. I’m big on productivity so I keep my focus on helping you accomplish your business dreams while still allowing time for a full life.

When we coach together, you will walk away from each session with:

  • New ideas

  • Concrete action plans

  • The inspiration and confidence to fulfill them

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve coached a stagnant client, and a few hours to a day after we meet, they message me to share they finally started working on their tasks after a year of taking no action.

What’s my secret sauce? I’m an intuitive. Why does that matter?

It matters because when I randomly suggest you have an indoor picnic with your son, and I also tell you throughout the session that you are on the right track and we detail what your action steps should be – you believe me because you had an indoor picnic with your son two days ago.

It matters because when I randomly say there is a 40-50 year old, fit man with long dark hair, blue eyes and tan skin who you will learn a lot from, and I also tell you throughout the session that you will be successful and here’s what you need to tweak to make it happen – you know it to be true because when you ask, “is the guy short or tall” and I say “tall”, I just described your philosophy professor to a T.

It matters because when I say one of your business blocks is around having to leave behind a romantic partner, and I also tell you throughout the session where you should shift your niche focus – you follow it because the other day you met a group of entrepreneurs who want to bring you on board, but only if you leave your romantic partner, who is also your business partner, behind.

It matters because when I say you should be charging $2500 for your service, not $875 and that you will get 2 clients who will buy at that price – you do it even though it feels scary because you had those same numbers rattling around in your head for weeks, and now you have the confirmation and confidence to actually make that leap.

This and more has happened in my sessions. That last client? She closed 2 clients of her own at $2500 each for a total of $5K the very next day. She had never charged more than $800 before then.  

Every session is as unique as the person I am working with. But when we work together you will leave each session with more clarity and direction, and more trust in yourself than you had before. And you will leave with concrete actions to move your business forward so you can get results.  

The naysayers in your life will always be naysayers. But with an action plan you can rely on, at least you will have something concrete to lean on. And with this action plan, your supporters will become even stronger supporters.

It’s time grow your business, realize your full potential and do something for yourself. What do you say? If you want to learn more, book a consultation call with me here!

This 3 month, 1-1 mentorship package is currently priced at $500/mo USD and is designed for individuals who:

  • Are ready to act now - my priority is to get you results, so I’m looking for people who are committed to doing the work

  • Who are serious about starting or scaling their business

The package includes:

  • Ten, 1 hour, 1-1 coaching calls (must be completed within 12 weeks to ensure best results)

    • In these calls we will work on finding clarity, adjusting strategy, generating ideas, solving challenges, building action plans

  • Ten, mid-week, personally crafted healing message & email check-in

    • These messages will be channeled directly from your soul and what it most wants to share with so you become more powerfully aligned to your desired reality

  • Unlimited email access between 8 am - 5 pm, M-F, Central Time

If you’re serious about your business goals, committed to taking action and need a guide who works with your personality and style who can help you along the way, book a free consultation so we can talk about whether this offer is the right fit for you!